• 正在播放巨人与小精灵的奇幻冒险第01集
  • 巨人与小精灵的奇幻冒险影评
  • 剧情介绍
Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will become infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, becoming inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful Vladimir is lurking.


  • 完结猫和老鼠道斯·巴特勒,里德·科菲,约瑟夫·巴伯拉,威廉·汉纳,特克斯·艾弗里
  • 95集全成龙历险记成龙 / 詹姆士·谢 / 夏野萨博
  • 完结瑞克和莫蒂第七季克里斯·帕内尔,萨拉·乔克,斯宾瑟·格拉默
  • 全227集海绵宝宝第二季汤姆·肯尼,比尔·法格巴克,罗邦德尔·布帕斯,克兰西·布朗,劳伦斯先生,陈浩,符爽,李易,张璐,吉尔·塔利,卡罗琳·劳伦斯,罗里·艾伦,玛丽·乔·卡特利特,迪·布拉雷·贝克尔,赛丽娜·欧文,孙悦斌
  • 更新至109集汪汪队立大功全集暂无
  • 完结地狱客栈第一季斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝,克里斯蒂安·鲍勒,艾利克斯··布莱曼,Erika Henningsen,阿米尔·塔莱,Blake Roman,吉尔·哈里斯,埃尔希·洛夫洛克,迈克尔·科瓦赫,莫妮卡·佛朗哥,加布里埃尔·C·布朗,Edward Bosco,斯坦珀,Joe Gran,Faye Mata,Joshua Tomar,克莉丝朵·拉波特,Mick Lauer,米歇尔·玛丽,Don Darryl Rivera

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